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수원화성 종이모형(ROK Hawseong Fortress-Paper Model)

수원화성 종이모형입니다.

도면은14장입니다. 설명서도 같이 올립니다.^^

화성(華城)은 경기도 수원시 팔달구와 장안구에 걸쳐 있는 길이 5.4킬로미터의 성곽이다. 1963년 사적 3호로 지정되었으며, 1997년 유네스코 세계문화유산으로 등록되었다. 수원 화성은 한국 성의 구성 요소인 옹성, 성문, 암문, 산대, 체성, 치성, 적대, 포대, 봉수대 등을 모두 갖추어 한국 성곽 건축 기술을 집대성했다고 평가된다.

(출처: 위키백과)


This is paper model of ROK Hawseong Fortress.

The number pages of planar figure: 14

Hwaseong (Brilliant Castle/ Fortress) is the wall surrounding the centre ofSuwon, the provincial capital ofGyeonggi-doSouth Korea.[1] This fortress was built from 1794 to 1796 byKing Jeongjo of the Joseon Dynasty to house and honour the remains of his father Prince Sado, who had been murdered by being locked alive inside a rice chest by his own father King Yeongjo after failing to obey the command to commit suicide. Located 30 kilometres (19 mi) south of Seouland enclosing much of central Suwon, the Fortress includes King Jeongjo's palace Haenggung. The site was designated as a World Heritage site by the UNESCO in 1997. TheSuwoncheon, the main stream in Suwon, flows through the centre of the fortress.

(Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hwaseong_Fortress)


hwaseong(planar figure).pdf

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